Journée d’Archéologie Romaine – Romeinendag
We are pleased to announce that the annual contact and information day dedicated to the news of Roman archeology research in Belgium will finally be held in 2022, after the forced cancellation of the last two years. The goal is to propose a platform for meeting and communication among researchers interested in Roman civilization in our regions.
The Roman Archaeology Day will therefore be held on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at the Provincial Administrative Center ‘Het Zuid’ in Gand (Woodrow Wilsonplein 2), in collaboration with the province of Eastern Flandre.
We invite you to participate in this demonstration by submitting a proposal for an article in the next edition of the Signa 11 magazine or by presenting a communication and an article. The contributions will focus on discoveries made in 2021, on ongoing or recently closed synthesis research, or on significant archeological material.
Signa (VABB-A2) is a review offering every year a selection of original and scientific articles on Roman archeology in Belgium and the neighboring regions. In order to ensure quality, the proposed contributions will be evaluated by the Reading Committee, both on the background and form. This assessment will lead to acceptance, acceptance with minor changes, acceptance with major changes or rejection of submitted contribution. Contributions submitted that do not meet the formal requirements for text and image will be returned.